Note » Goodbye

Hey! I'm just here to say that I/we (Kaye, Bea, Me) am/are too busy to blog or just plain lazy. As for me... I'm seriously lacking in sleep because I stay up too late just to blog. Don't take this the wrong way... I love blogging but I just don't have enough time because I arrive home from school at around 5-6 pm which is dinnertime for us. After that I have to do my homework and relax a little. Besides, we don't always have things to blog about. I hope you'd understand. I will be on a mini-hiatus until I have free time.

If you ever have any complaints, leave a comment and I will explain it to you. Maybe if your comment is way too sweet and persuading, I'll try to come back to blogging.

Bye for now; see you! Oh, SCHOOL SUCKS BIG TIME!

3 comment(s):

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."


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