Personal » Woot/Aww!

Okay! I'll be quick. Maybe not... I'm kind of taking a break right now. I have shi* loads of assignments!!! It's so stressful! My social studies teacher hates me for no reason at all, I'm 70% percent sure about that. Well then, I hate her too. She gives assignments like they're projects! And she gives projects like they're exams! Okay, I'm just exaggerating. Kind of. You get the point!

My math teacher is so..... #$%%$##$%$#%#$%#$%#.... *pant pant*


Right now, we're experiencing a small? big? storm. Medium? And at the start of the school year, she announced that every no classes day, like national bla bla day, we will have a quiz the following day. Not just any quiz like plus minus! I mean the whole chapter quiz. Like 8-fuckin* 7 pages quiz! And I think we will have a quiz on 2 chapters. I'm so seriously dead!

OH! I almost forgot!

Don't forget the abs!!! Even if they're covered!!! :D

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